Discover Kunst-Direkt

Discover exciting art

Are you interested in art? Discover high-quality and affordable art with us. We show diverse, very different works of art by ambitious, passionate, young and established artists, affordable, at really low prices. Our goal is that everyone who is interested in art should be able to afford art. For this we work together with artists who have potential and convert this potential into exciting, fresh art. And with artists who have already proven that their art is well received in the art market. Many works are unique or limited to small numbers. So you have the guarantee of buying art that is unique or only exists in a small edition. Find inspiration with us for your new works of art that suit you and your lifestyle.

Art as a one-off or in small editions

We offer you artworks that exist only once or are available in small quantities and that you can only buy from us. We offer a large selection of works in a wide variety of techniques and styles. The wide variety of carefully selected works enables anyone interested to acquire the work of art that touches them, appeals to them in a special way and suits their own lifestyle.

Find your personal new art online

In our gallery program you can discover a variety of art and buy art. Choose the art that suits you from the different themes. And if you have special requests regarding the execution of the work of art (material, dimensions), you can contact us directly by phone or e-mail.

Art that suits you

Kunst-Direkt opens the view into new art worlds. Abstract works, flowing lines, black and white architecture, vast landscapes with surprising accents. We bring art very close to you. Dream in the sun on a long boardwalk or marvel at the effect of seemingly three-dimensional works of art. Put your home in the limelight, whether with colored or black and white pictures. You want to buy art directly? With us you will find an extensive portfolio that is constantly being expanded.

Simply buy art online

If you prefer a specific type of artwork, browse our online gallery by subject. Get an overview, let us inspire you or follow our recommendations. Find novelties or search specifically for works, themes or dimensions. It's that easy to find and buy art that suits you and your lifestyle.

We offer you a large selection of exceptional, exclusive art. Because we work directly with artists, we can offer exclusive images at affordable prices. Many works are available in different sizes, on canvas or under acrylic glass. With our extensive, constantly renewed art program, we offer suitable solutions, whether for private or business premises.

Get excited about new art

People who are interested in art and want to buy art online often click on the new arrivals on our website. In order to be able to regularly present our customers with new, exciting works that meet our high quality requirements, we observe the art market and always find new artists that we are happy to introduce. If you would like to buy new art online, you will find it here. You can easily get an up-to-date overview online in our art gallery.

Limited art for unlimited joy

Limited art means there is only a limited number of hand-signed and numbered artworks. The editions of these works of art are usually 5-30 pieces. Once this maximum edition size has been reached, the respective work will be withdrawn from sale and the work can only be purchased on the secondary market, possibly with a surcharge. Therefore, do not hesitate to buy your favorite work. It could soon only be found on the secondary market at a higher price.

Our website offers you exciting new works and inspiration for new art that you can buy surprisingly cheap

With we would like to inspire you with unusual and exciting art at reasonable prices. If you have special requests, please contact us. We also create custom-made products for our customers (different color composition, different picture section, different size) so that your picture is exactly how you imagine it. Buying art without compromise, that's what makes Kunst-Direkt special.

We would like to transfer our enthusiasm for high-quality and affordable art to our customers. We offer you alternatives to the images that everyone knows because they are produced in very large numbers as poster prints for the mass market. Our customers value individuality, excellent quality and exclusivity of the works, which should nevertheless be affordable. We work for this claim every day and our concept appeals to newcomers, collectors, art enthusiasts and everyone who would like to show their individual lifestyle in art.

Kunst-Direkt offers unique and limited works

Unique pieces from the field of oil and acrylic painting and objects are unique works in this form and execution. The limitation of many works to a small number of 5 - 30 pieces offers the buyer the certainty of owning a work from a small edition. Each work is hand-signed and numbered so that the buyer can see which work number he has from the total edition.